I went to Wal-Mart today to buy a new toy for my scrapbooking and card making. It is a gadget that makes stickers out of cutouts, etc. You just feed them into this machine and out comes a piece of waxed paper with your cutout affixed to it with sticky stuff.
I decided I had to have this thing after seeing my friend play with hers Monday. It looked SO simple...
Yeah right.
I got mine home, took it out of the box, and looked at the directions. I promptly punched out a butterfly from some pretty paper and fed it into my new machine. It did NOT come out the other end neatly stuck to the waxy paper.
I took the cartridge out, and tried to figure out what I had done wrong. I am a klutz. This HAD to be operator error. A few minutes later, I gave up and called customer service. After about 15 minutes of trying to figure this thing out, the lady on the other end of the phone told me that she would send me a new one. "Just put it in and DON'T TOUCH IT!" she instructed.
Together we finally figured out that my cartridge CAME broken. I felt a little less clueless as I disentangled myself from the gooey mess and threw it in the trash.
So, unable to stand the 10 to 14 day wait for my replacement, I took myself back to Wal-Mart and got another cartridge. Came home, popped it in, and it worked! I am sending everything not nailed down through this handy dandy gadget.
Simple minds.
What can I say?
Oooooohhh! Xyron... fun!!!
love you!
I want one!
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