We celebrated my friend Sharon's 49th birthday today. My other friend Sharon and I had lunch for her at my house. I reassured myself that I could still put a really nice meal on the table by cooking chicken almondine. Sharon brought roses and a party hat, and with a bit of cake, we were set.
Of our little group of friends, three of us are within months of being the same age. Chip turned 49 first. Sharon will officially turn 49 this weekend, and I will turn 49 in October.
Now I have been known to pull a few pranks on certain milestone birthdays in the past. I managed to avoid paybacks for the most part on my 40th by having surgery a few days before my birthday. People were nicer than normal because I looked rather pitiful with my throat swathed in bandages.
But, 50 is coming up and there have been hints that there will be paybacks for anything I do to THEM when MY time comes around.
Will I do unto them anyway???
Stay tuned!
Oh go for it! But I admit I'm meaner to my younger siblings than my older brother ;-)
BTW: had to copy your post in word and change the font from webdings to read it (was that intentional or an oops?)
It was Interactive Blogging - cool
That was a whoops! :P
Definitely go for it... because I am gonna! ;-p
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