This week, I have more than 3!
1. The relief in my dad's voice when he found out he did not have any new cancer.
2. The promise of relief from reflux pain.
3. Sam's improved science grade.
4. Getting to see my husband now that the plant shutdown is over.
5. A lovely trip to Natchez on Wednesday, complete with pie!
6. Beautiful weather for the past 2 days.
And for all these, I am truly thankful!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Nope, not a computer. Just me.
Last week I overdid (for me) and I am paying for it this week. Every time I start thinking I might could go back to at least part-time work, I seem to get a reminder from the MG monster. This one came with an "asthma flares up in cooler weather" addendum.
For my next trick, I am going to get a shower and get dressed.
Ta dah!
Last week I overdid (for me) and I am paying for it this week. Every time I start thinking I might could go back to at least part-time work, I seem to get a reminder from the MG monster. This one came with an "asthma flares up in cooler weather" addendum.
For my next trick, I am going to get a shower and get dressed.
Ta dah!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I have been awarded a high honor by Sam's 11 year old cousin. After watching me send a text message to Sam, he looked astounded and told me that I texted faster than anyone he knew!
I guess this old gal still has it.
I guess this old gal still has it.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tech Support
When I bought my first computer about 10 years ago, I had no idea that I would someday become the family tech support person. I was the one calling Sharon, Vik, and Chip with my barrage of questions. I never pictured myself actually being able to ANSWER any!
This past couple of weeks I have found myself setting up two new computers and switching another to DSL for friends and relatives. It has actually been fun for the most part, except for the 2 1/2 hour call to AT&T tech support. I like solving problems. The only problem is, I have a hard time giving up until the problems are SOLVED. This can make sleep difficult if potential solutions are rolling around in my brain at bedtime. I am tired.
For the moment, I think I have everyone squared away.
I hope.
This past couple of weeks I have found myself setting up two new computers and switching another to DSL for friends and relatives. It has actually been fun for the most part, except for the 2 1/2 hour call to AT&T tech support. I like solving problems. The only problem is, I have a hard time giving up until the problems are SOLVED. This can make sleep difficult if potential solutions are rolling around in my brain at bedtime. I am tired.
For the moment, I think I have everyone squared away.
I hope.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Today we celebrated the life of my friend Virginia. And it truly was a celebration. The funeral home chapel was packed and people were spilling out into the halls. Her favorite scriptures were read (many of which are mine also) and her favorite songs were played and sung by her minister. Stories were told and tears were shed. It was so obvious that Virginia's life had made a difference.
I saw many mutual friends there. One is a guy everyone calls "BB." This sweet gentleman has had some health problems and when I asked him about them today, he replied that the only thing that was hurting today was his heart.
I think he spoke for all of us.
I saw many mutual friends there. One is a guy everyone calls "BB." This sweet gentleman has had some health problems and when I asked him about them today, he replied that the only thing that was hurting today was his heart.
I think he spoke for all of us.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Aunt Viola
Aunt Viola was actually my husband's great aunt, but she made me feel like I was "hers." She was a "maiden lady" who spent her life in the mission field teaching English to children in Mexico and telling them about her Jesus.
I met Aunt Viola about 6 years ago when she came to be a resident of the nursing home that I was doing some work for. She was a gentle soul who was more interested in asking about how YOU were than reciting a litany of aches and pains. Although advanced in age, until a very short time ago, her mind was quite sharp.
Aunt Viola passed away this week. I will miss her. But I know that she is ecstatic to finally see "her" Jesus face to face.
And I am happy for her.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I have to say it. I hate this anti-virus program with a passion. It is kinda like the "Borg". "Resistance is futile. Your computer will be assimilated!"
Today, while my friend Sharon and I were trying to hook up my father-in-law's DSL, we got to the part where they wanted us to disable the anti-virus program. We clicked links, opened Windows, and gnashed our teeth for over an hour. There was NO place to DISABLE the stupid program!
After an unsuccessful attempt to call at&t tech support and 1-800-CALL-VIK did not answer, I called my friend Teresa, who hates Norton as much as I do. There was computer support guy near her cubicle who answered our exhausted plea for help. After some convoluted gyrations we finally disabled Norton, and finished the basic DSL installation. It had taken us over three hours to do what we should have been able to do in one.
Norton is evil and must be destroyed.
Just sayin'
Today, while my friend Sharon and I were trying to hook up my father-in-law's DSL, we got to the part where they wanted us to disable the anti-virus program. We clicked links, opened Windows, and gnashed our teeth for over an hour. There was NO place to DISABLE the stupid program!
After an unsuccessful attempt to call at&t tech support and 1-800-CALL-VIK did not answer, I called my friend Teresa, who hates Norton as much as I do. There was computer support guy near her cubicle who answered our exhausted plea for help. After some convoluted gyrations we finally disabled Norton, and finished the basic DSL installation. It had taken us over three hours to do what we should have been able to do in one.
Norton is evil and must be destroyed.
Just sayin'
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Yep, today is my birthday. I remember when I thought 49 ws one step away from the crypt. :P
Quite honestly, there was a time when I did not think I would live to see 49. Before I was able to get my illnesses diagnosed and treated, I was a frequent flyer on the ambulance/emergency room circuit. The local ambulance crew could remember the last time and place they had picked me up and ER's in 3 counties knew who I was. :P
So I always take a moment on my birthday to think of sweet Dr. Kliesch (rhymes with fish) and his part in getting me the diagnoses and treatments that allowed me to regain a better quality of life. Not to mention giving me a chance at some more quantity as well!
I woke up on this side of the dirt.
It is a good day!
Quite honestly, there was a time when I did not think I would live to see 49. Before I was able to get my illnesses diagnosed and treated, I was a frequent flyer on the ambulance/emergency room circuit. The local ambulance crew could remember the last time and place they had picked me up and ER's in 3 counties knew who I was. :P
So I always take a moment on my birthday to think of sweet Dr. Kliesch (rhymes with fish) and his part in getting me the diagnoses and treatments that allowed me to regain a better quality of life. Not to mention giving me a chance at some more quantity as well!
I woke up on this side of the dirt.
It is a good day!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Video Camera

I have been looking at this little video camera for months. It is called the "Flip" and is very lightweight and suitable for taking casual videos. I have resisted purchasing it, because I was not sure I would really use it and I did not feel like I had the money to spare. Sometimes I think I am the only person on the planet never to have owned a camcorder!
I moved it up to my serious wish list when my dad mentioned wanting to videotape himself talking about his growing up years and how he met and married my mother.
I received a lovely, unexpected monetary birthday gift from my sister-in-law this afternoon. I called up and was looking at the Flip and trying to decide if I really needed to spend the money on that or something more practical.
In the midst of my dithering, I received an e-mail from an online friend who just lost her father tonight.
I pressed the "buy now" button. I don't think I will regret it.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
This afternoon I finally sold my first little red scooter. I was riding mine in Wal-Mart last week and this lady asked about it. I told her that I had one that was similar at home that I was trying to sell. This lady has rheumatiod arthritis and, like me, can't walk long distances. So, I gave her my phone number and invited her to call me if she decided she wanted to see the scooter.
This afternoon, she and her husband came to take a look. I told her to take it for a test spin in my driveway. This lady was like a kid in a candy store! Pretty soon she had taken it from "turtle" to "rabbit" and was making circles around my yard. It was fun for me just watching her. She called it a "bad boy" and declared that she wanted it!
So, we loaded it into the back of her van and she took off. I was hoping that I could find someone who would really use and enjoy my little red scooter.
I think she will. :)
This afternoon, she and her husband came to take a look. I told her to take it for a test spin in my driveway. This lady was like a kid in a candy store! Pretty soon she had taken it from "turtle" to "rabbit" and was making circles around my yard. It was fun for me just watching her. She called it a "bad boy" and declared that she wanted it!
So, we loaded it into the back of her van and she took off. I was hoping that I could find someone who would really use and enjoy my little red scooter.
I think she will. :)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
My young friend was over tonight. She was in tears over grades, and other teenage troubles. This kid had survived traumatic head injury and cancer by the time she was 9. She is tough. I don't think I have ever seen her cry before. She says she is tired of feeling sad all the time.
But right now, she can't find that toughness. She deals with impossible choices. ADHD meds improve school performance, but have frightening side effects for her. She does not have the kind of structure in her life that enables her to manage without meds. I do what I can, but I have no real authority. The people who do have authority are preoccupied and inconsistent. Although she might not always want to admit it, this kid craves consistency.
I try to be that consistency.
But, is it enough?
But right now, she can't find that toughness. She deals with impossible choices. ADHD meds improve school performance, but have frightening side effects for her. She does not have the kind of structure in her life that enables her to manage without meds. I do what I can, but I have no real authority. The people who do have authority are preoccupied and inconsistent. Although she might not always want to admit it, this kid craves consistency.
I try to be that consistency.
But, is it enough?
Monday, October 06, 2008
Cancer, again.
Today I went by to pick up one of my prayer shawl friends who has recently been in the hospital with pneumonia. She e-mailed the group that she felt too shaky to drive yet, so I offered to pick her up as she lives quite nearby.
When I asked her how she was feeling, tears welled up in her eyes. The cancer that was confined to the liver has now spread to her lungs. She is taking chemo for pain control, but there is nothing that can be done for her beyond that. She does not know if she has weeks or months and does not want to know. She says that nobody but God knows when her time will be and she will leave it at that.
So, I pray for peace for her and peace for those of us who will miss her when God calls her home.
Whenever that shall be.
When I asked her how she was feeling, tears welled up in her eyes. The cancer that was confined to the liver has now spread to her lungs. She is taking chemo for pain control, but there is nothing that can be done for her beyond that. She does not know if she has weeks or months and does not want to know. She says that nobody but God knows when her time will be and she will leave it at that.
So, I pray for peace for her and peace for those of us who will miss her when God calls her home.
Whenever that shall be.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Another Saturday Night
And I am by myself. Again.
The husband is working the shutdown at his plant and I have had several options as to what to do tonight.
1. Watch Auburn lose.
2. Watch Oregon lose.
3. Watch the Cubs probably lose.
Of course, my beloved LSU Tigers did not play.
I think I need a life.
The husband is working the shutdown at his plant and I have had several options as to what to do tonight.
1. Watch Auburn lose.
2. Watch Oregon lose.
3. Watch the Cubs probably lose.
Of course, my beloved LSU Tigers did not play.
I think I need a life.
Friday, October 03, 2008
A Little Rusty
Who would have thought it? After all this time of not really singing much, one would think I would be dying to sing my heart out. But, I am actually having to remind myself that it is OK to sing now. I still feel cautious and uncertain.
So, for now, I am singing along with the radio and CD's trying to get the feeling of really letting go again. Early Ella Fitzgerald works well for this. I got to singing along with "But Not For Me", "Black Coffee", and "Embraceable You" this morning.
Just have to get my confidence back.
So, for now, I am singing along with the radio and CD's trying to get the feeling of really letting go again. Early Ella Fitzgerald works well for this. I got to singing along with "But Not For Me", "Black Coffee", and "Embraceable You" this morning.
Just have to get my confidence back.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
My checkup went well! Vocal cords have healed and I can sing again in in moderation. I have to take it easy for a while yet, but I can sing the anthem for the Sunday service, an occasional solo, etc.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers sent up on my behalf.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers sent up on my behalf.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Cord Check
Tomorrow I go back to the doc for another check of my vocal cords to see if the nodules have completely healed. I am trying not get too excited. He did not promise me that I would be able to sing in October, but was hopeful. If I am able to sing, there will be some restrictions for a longer period of time.
It has been an interesting time being a "non-singer." At first, the loss of such a large part of my identity scared me. I could not picture being "me" without a voice. But, I have managed and had time to do some other things and found blessings in them as well.
That does not stop me from praying and asking for prayers for the return of my singing voice.
Till tomorrow...
It has been an interesting time being a "non-singer." At first, the loss of such a large part of my identity scared me. I could not picture being "me" without a voice. But, I have managed and had time to do some other things and found blessings in them as well.
That does not stop me from praying and asking for prayers for the return of my singing voice.
Till tomorrow...
On the Money!
If anyone is interested in how OCD affects thinking, this lady has it right on the money.
It is not usually as bad for me when on meds, but the essence is there. The name of the post is "Christmas in March."
It is not usually as bad for me when on meds, but the essence is there. The name of the post is "Christmas in March."
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Bah Humbug?
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