I have been looking at this little video camera for months. It is called the "Flip" and is very lightweight and suitable for taking casual videos. I have resisted purchasing it, because I was not sure I would really use it and I did not feel like I had the money to spare. Sometimes I think I am the only person on the planet never to have owned a camcorder!
I moved it up to my serious wish list when my dad mentioned wanting to videotape himself talking about his growing up years and how he met and married my mother.
I received a lovely, unexpected monetary birthday gift from my sister-in-law this afternoon. I called up Amazon.com and was looking at the Flip and trying to decide if I really needed to spend the money on that or something more practical.
In the midst of my dithering, I received an e-mail from an online friend who just lost her father tonight.
I pressed the "buy now" button. I don't think I will regret it.
Good girl.
love you.
thanks for letting me know I made a difference, and my dad did too.
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