Do I or don't I? This year I am having a heck of a time deciding whether or not to continue maintaining my Mississippi counseling license and National board certification. To do this requires not only licensure fees, but a minimum amount of malpractice insurance and several hours of continuing education every year. Now that I am not working, it is getting harder and harder to come up with the money it takes to maintain my eligibility to counsel.
I worked very hard to get that license. For three years I drove a 160 mile almost daily round trip from Vicksburg to Monroe, Louisiana to get my counseling degree. My husband did not approve of what I was doing, so I got no support at home during this time. I was also helping care for my eighty-something year old grandmother at the time. Getting my degree was one of the hardest, but most rewarding things I have ever done.
I guess holding on to my licensure is holding on to the hope that a cure might be found for Myasthenia Gravis and that I might be able to go back to work someday.
And I don't know if I am quite ready to give that up.
Oh Sweet (((Karen))) that is a hard one. If it were me, I would keep it up. I think that dropping it would be too hard emotionally. Besides, you never really know -- not only could a cure happen, but technology advances could also work to your advantage. Let me know what you decide. I'll be thinking about you.
Hi, Karen! There is a cure for MG in development. You can read about it at www.curavac.com. The next step is human trials, to begin possibly next summer. Please keep your counseling license. I know a lot of MG patients you could counsel right now! :) I wish the best for you!
i moved to a higher altitude, colorado is good. my health is so very good now. around seven thousand feet up is the best. it really does help, i am going back to work.
do not give up hope, just move!
Christi, for years I have been hearing about that, but it looks like it might actually become a reality! I saw where you "know" Wendy! I used to be on message boards with her. :)
I have decided to keep up my license. I just can't part with it yet!
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