I turned 61 on Monday. It blew my mind how many people on Facebook (most of whom I have actually met in person) wished me a happy birthday. Last count was like 200??? Wow.
I have stopped watching the national news, listening to any of the talking heads, and reading most of the political pages I used to peruse. While I have places to discuss politics on social media, I have declared my person page a politics-free zone. I just don't have the energy for more than cat cartoons and other things that might bring people a laugh right now. I will use this space to beg people to send anything political to Messenger or just email it to me.
Cancer sucks. I've said that before, but it still holds true. And it definitely affects more than just the patient. It is a family disease. It takes energy and focus for a family to support a cancer warrior. I can't even begin to imagine what this is like for families who do not have resources.
I am following a doctor https://zdoggmd.com on both Facebook and his website. This guy has a centered and balanced approach to the COVID-19 pandemic that is reassuring and refreshing. Contrary to people who sneer at those of us who are having to use extra care, I am not cowering in fear and constantly in a panic. I am just making decisions based on calculated risk. I go to the grocery and pharmacy. I have friends over for "social distance picnics" in my yard. I visit an older friend on her screened in back porch. I get take-out and curbside food to support my local restaurants. The thing I miss most is teaching art to my special needs kids at Micah's Mission School, but, according to common sense and my doctors (all 7 of them) this is NOT an acceptable risk at this time.
I have absolutely loved really getting into paper crafting and card making during all of this. The right card, received at the right time, can make a person's day. I am on my second box of 100 envelopes since April and I am working through those at a steady clip. I am definitely doing my part to support the USPS.
The older I get, the thing I crave most in this life is peace. I have unfollowed (not unfriended or blocked!) some folks on social media for a while. I have also unfollowed some groups that seem to draw a crowd of "negative nellies." It has helped my "peace of mind" quite a bit.
Music helps almost everything. For my birthday gift to myself, I have ordered some wireless bluetooth headphones so that I can do little chores and listen to music after my husband goes to bed. He hits the hay about 3 hours before I do and our house is small. I think these will be a great investment.
Wishing everyone some peace and happiness this week.
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