Wednesday, August 05, 2020

More Random Musings

I have to admit that this pandemic has given me lots of time to think. Maybe too much!

I can cook. Really cook. I had almost forgotten how. I will just be glad when I can have friends over to eat with me, instead of just taking food to them at home. 

Cancer sucks. I hate the word sucks, but there is just no other word that fits as well when you have yet another loved one diagnosed with cancer. 

I can actually see the top of my microwave for the first time in years. I finally had the time and inclination to clean it off. I tend to look at clutter, get overwhelmed, and just walk away. Right now, I am actually able to tackle a little bit at a time. I hope this lasts for awhile!

Naps are good. I used to resist naps when I was a kid. Maybe I was saving them all for now.

Words spoken in hate and anger still sting, months and even years later.

I'm not opening any political videos on Messenger unless they come from a very small group of people who I know keep tabs on their accounts to minimize the chances of getting hacked. If you are not on Facebook on a very regular basis, I am NOT going to open your videos. Don't waste your time. 

For Heaven's sake! FACT CHECK stuff before you post! Don't just blindly take someone else's word for things. It is absolutely amazing what can be faked these days. 

Instagram is a fun way to keep up with nieces and nephews. Less drama than Facebook or Twitter. 

My volunteer button has not totally been deactivated during the pandemic. My hand still goes up when presented with a project that I can do at home. Staying busy helps. 

I have way too many art supplies. There, I said it. What am I going to do about it? Get rid of some? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

Laughter really IS the best medicine. 

Hang in there, everyone. This "Cornteen" can't last forever. 


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