Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 I recently attended a ladies retreat at Camp Warner-Tully. When I was invited, I admit that I was hesitant. I have had some really bad experiences in group settings. I am OK with groups of family members, but I really prefer to deal with people one on one or in very small groups. However, I took a deep breath, set aside my hesitation and signed up. 

I was relieved to find that we would be seated at tables with only 4-5 people. I was able to form a connection with each person pretty quickly. One lady and I had a dear mutual friend in common. Another is the niece of an extended family member. Another went to church for years with my Daddy. 

The presentations were excellent and I found myself enjoying the day much more than I thought I would. The activities were eye opening. Sharing was encouraged, but not mandatory. 

At the end of the day, candles were lit on a makeshift altar to represent the 7 Spiritual Gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. We were given candles and asked to go light our candle from the spiritual gift we felt we needed the most. I walked up, fully intending to stop at the "Fortitude" candle. However, I found myself guided to "Fear of the Lord." This gift had been described as the need to realize that God is in control and so we don't need to be. 

Yielding control is NOT an easy thing for me. Events of my childhood tend to make me more of a control freak than I might otherwise have been. I have many friends who are in difficulties right now and I am the type who wants to "fix" things. But, pondering on this gift has made me realize that I just can't fix everything. I need to let go and let God work. Hard to do, but necessary. 

All in all, it was a good experience and I plan to sign up for the next one in October. 

I'm looking forward to it. 

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