Monday, January 14, 2019

Lookin' Good

One of the most recent things on Facebook is the "How Hard Did the Years Hit You" challenge. Participants are encouraged to post their first and current profile pictures side by side. 

Most of my friends have been on Facebook for around 10 years. Without exception, they look better in their current photographs. At least to me, they do. Even with a few extra wrinkles and/or gray hairs, everyone looks more relaxed. The smiles are more genuine. 

There are things about getting older that transcend mere looks and it shows in these photographs. There seems to be more wisdom in the facial expressions. More acceptance of life as it is. More of a "this is how I look now and that is OK with me" vibe. 

I remember some commercial for hair coloring back in the '70s that featured the tag line "You're not getting older, you're getting better." 

Believe it. 

Friday, January 04, 2019

Eyeglass Chains

I just ordered this eyeglass chain from 220PennyLane on Etsy. 

I seem to remember making fun of little old ladies who wore eyeglass chains when I was a kid. I seldom saw the ladies who wore them actually take their glasses off, so I thought they were just another piece of jewelry. And quite often worn on top of too many other baubles. 

Alas, time has caught up with me. I find myself taking my glasses off dozens of times a day. Despite my expensive prescription for progressive lenses, I can often see some things much better by removing my glasses and squinting. Often, there is no good place to put my glasses as I juggle them and whatever I am trying to read at the same time. So, this evening, I decided to give in to "old ladydom" and buy an eyeglass chain. I searched Etsy until I found one I liked, and reluctantly pushed the "buy now" button. 

No drugstore faux metal chain for me. If I am going to do this, it will be in style. 

Sixty IS the new 40, right? 

Bah Humbug?

  I was messaging with a friend today and she said that she had some "Bah Humbug" going on, but she did not know why. That got me ...