Friday, January 04, 2019

Eyeglass Chains

I just ordered this eyeglass chain from 220PennyLane on Etsy. 

I seem to remember making fun of little old ladies who wore eyeglass chains when I was a kid. I seldom saw the ladies who wore them actually take their glasses off, so I thought they were just another piece of jewelry. And quite often worn on top of too many other baubles. 

Alas, time has caught up with me. I find myself taking my glasses off dozens of times a day. Despite my expensive prescription for progressive lenses, I can often see some things much better by removing my glasses and squinting. Often, there is no good place to put my glasses as I juggle them and whatever I am trying to read at the same time. So, this evening, I decided to give in to "old ladydom" and buy an eyeglass chain. I searched Etsy until I found one I liked, and reluctantly pushed the "buy now" button. 

No drugstore faux metal chain for me. If I am going to do this, it will be in style. 

Sixty IS the new 40, right? 

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