Monday, December 30, 2019

Snoozing People

In my quest to enjoy a generally more upbeat and peaceful Facebook feed in 2020, I am spending some time "snoozing" or "unfollowing" some folks. I am not "unfriending" or "blocking." I can go see their feeds at my leisure. But, I am just no longer up to a daily barrage of unsubstantiated political garbage, deliberate unkindness, lack of understanding or tolerance for other races of people, etc. I am not talking about people who occasionally post things I don't care for, but those who post things like this nonstop to the exclusion of much of anything else. 

I want to see cute pictures of your children and grandchildren. I want to hear about the good things that are happening in your lives. I want to celebrate weddings and births with you. I want to be able to pray with and for you if you should lose a loved one or suffer a serious illness. I want to encourage you. And, I try very hard to post something every day that gives you a chuckle or even a belly laugh! 

I love to stay connected to people. Facebook gives me a way to keep up with friends and relatives who live far away. I'm not willing to give it up at this point. There are three little dots at the top right-hand corner of each post. They give you the options to snooze or unfollow. 

You might want to do a little snoozing yourself. 

Happy New Year! 

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Bah Humbug?

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