Sunday, August 15, 2021

Speed Limits


A few months ago, our insurance company asked us to install this "drive safe" gadget on our vehicle. If we were decent drivers, we could save money on our car insurance. It sounded good, so we agreed. 

There is an app on my phone that allows me to monitor how I am doing with this thing. It measures cornering, braking, and speed. For the first month, I really tried to watch my speed. Following the speed limits on some streets in Vicksburg can be a real challenge. 

Little did I know how obeying the speed limit would affect my interactions with other drivers. I was passed on curves on two lane roads. I was tailgated. And, on a few occasions, I was flipped off by the impatient drivers behind me. I truly feared for my safety a couple of times, just from actually obeying a posted speed limit!

Cornering was no problem for me. I don't like to take them at a high rate of speed anyway. But, braking! Now that can be an issue. I live on a road with LOTS of squirrels. I am not going to run them over if I can help it. And there are times when I think Vicksburg is one of the most likely places to have people pull out in front of me, forcing me to slam on brakes. My insurance company assures me that there is some level of forgiveness for this, but I'm not sure that there is a level of forgiveness that is required in my town. 

After a few weeks, I decided that it was more dangerous to obey the speed limit than to exceed it a little. I may not save any money, but at least I will be alive to drive! 

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