Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Negative Nellies


Don't read the comments. Don't read the comments. I don't know how many times I have told myself not to read the comments under a news article. But, sometimes I am curious to see how people respond to certain news or issues. Invariably, this leaves me shaking my head and feeling relieved that I don't know most of these people in "real life." 

The negativity in most of these responses is overwhelming. Although Vicksburg has things that other towns would be thankful for, such as a hospital that is not hours away from them, they complain. We have locally owned restaurants that beat anything I have had while traveling, and I have eaten in places from Vicksburg to New York in one direction and Vicksburg to Utah in the other, not to mention the Pacific Northwest. Believe me, our schools, although unfairly rated, are better than many and we are blessed to have wonderful teachers who care about kids and go above and beyond the call of duty every day. 

We have many avenues for people looking to get a fresh start in life. River City Rescue Mission helps men get off drugs and Dr. Bob Ford runs another house for men to re-enter the workplace after being incarcerated. Haven House offers women who are in abusive situations a place to go and get away from the abuse and learn that they can make it on their own. Beautiful Deliverance also helps people get off drugs and get back on their feet. We also have a wonderful place called Lifting Lives where families can stay together while working their way out of homelessness. I would have loved to have had a place like this when I was counseling. It is hard to do family counseling when all the participants have had to go to different shelters. I am sure there are more than I have mentioned, but these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. 

If you really can't find anything good about this city that I have called home since 1968, you are more than free to find someplace where you might be happier. However, in my experience, people who are constantly negative and choose to look on the dark side of everything are probably not going to be happy anywhere. There is always something every one of us can do to make our city a better place. Volunteer at that school. Run for office. Try supporting your local businesses instead of going out of town, if you can find what you need here. Pick up trash on the side of the road, for Heaven's sake. Just quit with the complaining. 

Stop reading the comments and do something. 

It might just make you a happier person. 

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