Monday, November 08, 2021

My Sleep Apnea Appliance

I have a new night time "best friend." I had used a Bipap machine with a full face mask for 20 years and it had been pretty effective in treating my sleep apnea. However, over the past two years I had been having problems similar to those I experienced before I began treatment all those years ago. I gained weight, craved sweets, was sleepy within 2 hours of getting up, even though I slept enough hours, and was feeling so foggy that I was truly afraid that I might be experiencing some dementia. 

I would take the SD card from my BiPap machine to my pulmonologist and my respiratory therapist. Every time, it showed that my apneas SHOULD be under control. However, my body was saying otherwise. I was willing to try something new. After I was successfully treated for severe facial pain by Dr. Charles Ramsey, I was able to consider an oral appliance that would advance my lower jaw and keep my airway from collapsing at night. 

I "bit the bullet" and decided to be custom fitted for one of these devices by Dr. Ramsey. It did take a few nights to get used to it. There was some jaw pain and a slight headache for a couple of weeks. However, within two weeks I also felt more alert, I was able to focus more effectively, and I was not getting nearly as sleepy in the morning. Two months out, I am 75% improved in the way I think and feel. And, after years of lugging my BiPap around, I have to admit that it is nice not to have to drag the machine with me every time I spend the night away from home. 

If your CPap or BiPap is working for you, I'm not telling you to get rid of it. But, if it is not working for you or if you simply cannot tolerate it, check out a dental sleep medicine specialist. If you are within driving distance of Jackson, I highly recommend Dr. Charles Ramsey. He is a busy guy, but totally worth the wait.

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