Monday, April 01, 2019

To Tell The Truth

March was a very difficult month for me. My friend Mary Alice passed away from cancer at age 57. A few days later, my 64-year-old stepbrother died after being severely burned while at work. Add normal stresses of multiple health issues and chronic fatigue and I had gotten to the point where I could not really focus on much of anything. 

As I was surfing my FireTV for something mindless to watch, I came across some 1961 episodes of an old game show. To Tell the Truth, was a favorite of my mother's way back when. I can remember watching it with her as a child in Russum, Mississippi. Tom Poston, Kitty Carlisle, Orson Bean, and Peggy Cass were regulars by the time I was old enough to remember the show. 

I decided to watch the first episode, just for kicks. It was quite a hoot to see a young Betty White, Johnny Carson, and Don Ameche. This show was just the ticket for mindless entertainment and some laughs during a difficult time. Most of the contestants were very well coached and fooled me at least half of the time. Even the commercials are a hoot, especially the ones for Anacin and Dristan. This one cracked me up.

If you need a dose of mindless fun, go check out, To Tell The Truth on Amazon Prime Video and see if you can tell who the REAL __________ is! 

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