Sunday, August 11, 2019


In two months, I will be 60 years old. Preparing to hit this milestone has been a cause for some reflection about how I want to live the rest of the time I have remaining to me. I am especially mindful of the fact that so many loved ones, especially my mother who died at age 57, were not afforded the luxury of growing old. 

One of the things I have learned it that is it OK to walk away sometimes. Being retired, there are very few situations that I cannot walk away from if they become toxic, tiring, or unrewarding. 

As a person with multiple chronic illnesses, my energy is severely limited. I remain constantly chagrined that I cannot do a quarter of the things I used to. I have to set my priorities with care and put my energy where it can do the most good for me and the things I care about. 

There are some new chapters that may be coming up in my life soon. I may have to turn some pages to embrace these new adventures. 

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