Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Random Musings for January 2022


Seriously, it hasn't been THAT bad, at least for me and my immediate family. The ones who have had COVID had about a week or so of misery, but have recovered. I'm still taking reasonable precautions as it takes me weeks to get over a simple cold. I think Omicron is going to hit its peak here soon, and begin a hopefully sharp decline. I know everyone is tired of it, but it has made several of my friends REALLY sick and miserable for weeks. 

My niece's husband bagged his first buck this month. Craig's father passed away when he was 4, so he never had anyone to take him hunting. His father-in-law and uncle by marriage began taking him hunting recently, and I think he has been thoroughly bitten by the "hunting bug." Especially now that he will have a skull mounted 9-point trophy on his wall. 

I am still leading the congregational singing at Hawkins United Methodist Church as a volunteer pending the finding and hiring of a new minister of music. Their longtime music minister retired the first of November. It's been fun, but I realize that I would not have the energy to take this on for keeps. I am having a good time just leading the singing on Sunday morning and getting some small groups together to sing as the choir is on hiatus due to COVID. Many of the church musicians are older, have health issues, and are also trying to avoid the virus. I am glad to keep doing what I am doing until they find the absolute right person for the job. 

I realized the other day just how much I miss proper grammar and spelling in today's world. When I hear supposedly educated professionals butchering the English language and see the spelling errors and poor grammar on social media, it saddens me. I don't always get things right myself, but at least I try to remember and put into practice the lessons taught to me by my excellent English teachers. 

I have made a bit of progress towards my goal of decluttering my home in 2022. Of course, I have been wanting to do this for years. But, like many, I get a fair amount of work done, only to get too busy with other things to continue weeding through memorabilia, art supplies, etc. 2022 is going to be my year to get this done. 

2022 can still be my year. 

I have hope. 

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