Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Random Musings for February 2022

 I keep thinking things are going to calm down this year, but it seems like life just gets busier. 

I lost a longtime theater friend. Jim Shirley was the first person to cast me in a play at the Vicksburg Theater Guild. I had terrible stage fright at the time, but Jim took me in hand and convinced me that I could do theater. His shows were my favorites to both watch and participate in. We also had a small musical group that sang for tourists and other gatherings around town. As someone mentioned at his memorial service, we would tell Jim that something could not be done, but somehow, we usually managed to transform his vision into reality. VTG lost a lot of knowledge and experience when Jim passed away. 

My husband gave a presentation on Ray Lum for the Vicksburg Genealogical Society. I was allowed to attend because I'm able to hand him things and repeat questions that he might not have heard clearly. It was well attended and a lot of fun. 

The next day, on February 15th, Bill and I attended a concert event at the Bologna Performing Arts Center on the campus of Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. The theme was the "British Invasion" and it was so much fun. My normally reserved husband clapped and sang along, while also answering my repeated question "WHO SANG THAT??" I was 4 when the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show and have no memory of this event. By the end of the show, at least half the audience was standing and dancing to the music. Considering that the audience was primarily comprised of people between the ages of 60 and 80, it was quite a night. I mentioned to Bill that most of the audience had some "snow on the roof" to which he replied:"Those who still HAVE a roof." My husband is usually quiet, but he can come up with some zingers. If you want to see this show, check out their website. They come to Jackson on May 10th. 


Add the usual stuff like church, (I'm still leading music at Hawkins UMC), the many necessary doctor appointments, meetings, etc, and it has been busy. At least this is what constitutes busy for this "old lady!" 

Maybe March will be calmer? I'm not betting the farm on it. 

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I'm glad you said that out loud. You have done a lot you got so much talent.I hope you never lose either the opportunity the timing or the grace to do it.I'm very thankful that you sang at my mom's funeral it was beautiful.

Bah Humbug?

  I was messaging with a friend today and she said that she had some "Bah Humbug" going on, but she did not know why. That got me ...