Thursday, September 22, 2022

Random Musings for September

September has been a busy month. Lots of doctor appointments and tests. Trying to help figure out music for my church while we are waiting for a permanent person.  A good friend had a birthday, but we have yet to celebrate because she finally got the dreaded 'Rona. 

I am so thankful for friends who have stepped up during my cancer journey. Everything from finding Greek yogurt, to bringing me six packs of Sprite, (which is the only thing that tastes good on chemo weeks), to sending food, which is appreciated, but often can't be eaten due to tummy issues associated with chemo, my surgery, and my food allergies. 

I've had to use the snooze button on my social media a good bit these days. I just don't have the energy for hate and negativity. It always disturbs me that people ,who profess to love Jesus, can be so horrible on social media. Hate just takes up too much energy that I don't have at the moment. I have even had to hide extended family members and that makes me sad. 

Another thing that I just can't wrap my head around is the short sightedness of people. People only look at right now. Gas prices have gone up and down for most of my almost 63 years. The stock market has gone up and down for most of my almost 63 years. That's life. Deal with it. 

Life isn't fair. I'm too tired to worry about people receiving anything they might not "deserve." I try to be happy instead of envious of people's good fortune. 

Ironically, as I was penning this post, a friend posted this on FB.

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