Tuesday, August 04, 2009

No More Words

I have a friend who will sometimes say that she "does not want any more words thrown at her." I actually very seldom feel that way, but today was one of those days.

Because I am a counselor, many people assume that I have a totally unlimited capacity to listen for hours on end with no affect on my own mood and spirits. While I may have pretty large capacity for listening, my ability to bear the burdens of others does have some limits. I have to recharge MY batteries as well. The physical exhaustion that my medical conditions bring also seem to have an effect on my mental endurance as well.

Almost everyone has a friend or acquaintance who has so few people to share with that he or she wears out those who still come around. Everyone needs to feel "heard." I understand that. But I can't do all the "hearing!"

Another person lectured me for almost an hour on how things are DONE at a place where I have volunteered to do some art activities. These were things I needed to know, but hearing them ONCE was plenty! And she left me so discouraged that I am dreading next Tuesday. Fortunately, I only signed on for two sessions.

I can tell that I am going to have to set tighter boundaries in both these situations.

But, for tonight, no more words!

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