Thursday, September 08, 2016

Star Trek

I first watched Star Trek, as a 6 year old,  on a black and white Zenith TV. Said TV sported rabbit ears and was situated in the room that I, my mother, my brother, and my sister all shared in Russum, Mississippi. 

From the beginning, I absolutely loved it. I was too young and unsophisticated to be put off by the cheesy sets and painfully fake aliens. I was enchanted at the idea of people being out in Space. I loved Spock's exotic ears. I am pretty certain that the first Scottish accent I heard was that of James Doohan as Scotty. Sulu was the second Asian I saw on TV, the first being Hop Sing on Bonanza. But, Sulu was completely different. No pigeon English. No pigtail. 

Fifty years later, I am still a Star Trek fan. I watch TOS and the subsequent series during reruns on TV and on Netflix. I actually drag myself to the movie theater for any Star Trek theatrical releases. I still have some of my Star Trek fiction paperbacks. The Kobayashi Maru remains an enduring favorite. I chat with Trekkie friends and am delighted when someone greets me with the "Live Long and Prosper" sign. 

We have much of the technology pictured in the Star Trek series now. However, I am still waiting for the invention of a real transporter! Who knows? It could happen!

Live Long and Prosper!


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