Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Gift of Love

As I was looking through some hymns recently, I came across this one and the message really spoke to me. The Gift of Love is an old traditional tune. The first lines are in the photo at left. The verse ends with:
"But have not love, my words are vain, as sounding brass, and hopeless gain."

Some of the best performances I have ever witnessed were by people who did not have a "slick" speaking or singing delivery. But, I could tell that they truly loved what they were doing and who they were doing it for. 

Conversely, I have been to performances (speeches, concerts, etc) where it was obvious that there was more ego than love involved. Some of these performers seemed to no longer love what they were doing or who they were doing it for and it shows. No matter how polished the performances, there is an element missing. When I can't feel any true enjoyment on the performer's part, he or she has lost me. 

I know we can't all love what we do all the time. I get it. But, if we consistently can't do what we do with love, maybe it is time to find another line of work. 

The song continues. 

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