Thursday, May 26, 2016

Small Talk

I have seen this meme and variations on it a number of times. I would not necessarily want to talk about ALL of these things, but, they do beat what passes for much conversation now. 

I do not watch much network TV these days (by choice), so I know little about the popular reality shows. I don't like crime shows because they are too much like the news. I don't watch but an hour of THAT a day, either. My lack of a TV habit takes me out of many conversations. 

I don't like to tear people down, as a rule. Certain politicians can be exempt from this at times!

College football is my small talk "saving grace." I can usually hold my own when talking about my LSU Tigers. And, there is always the ever changing Mississippi weather. 

Conversation, of course, changes depending on the company. Fortunately, I have friends who enjoy deep conversations on faith, politics, music, art, history, psychology, literature,  advances in science and medicine, and finding ways to make the world a better place. 

Small talk does have its place. In many circumstances, it is the only appropriate option. With some, that is really all I want. This just makes me all the more thankful for people who want to talk about the things that interest them and me as well. I love conversation that challenges me. Conversation that educates and stimulates me. 

Give me more than small talk. 

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