Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dec. 27

It seems hard to believe that we buried my mom 19 years ago today. It seems like missing her tends to hit this day more than the 25th. I guess it is because the Christmas doings keep me too busy to think much.

Some years are worse than others. For some reason, this one has hit me harder than the anniversaries have in several years. I don't really know why. I kind of envy people who do not lose a loved one near a memorable day. Then, there might be a chance of not really remembering.

I wonder what she would look like now as a 75 year old. I know she would have been crazy about the grandchildren she did not live to see. That is one of the things I most regret about losing her so relatively young. I get a little more like her every year. So much so that it is almost spooky.

So, today, I remember my mama. I shed a few tears. And then, I move on.

Just like she would want me to.

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